Thursday, February 27, 2020

Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies Research Paper

Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies - Research Paper Example The third section of the paper will analyze the competitive environment of Tata Motors Limited and then determine the company’s main competitors and their strategies at each level. The fourth section would seek to determine whether the strategies for the long-term success of the competitors would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets. Tata Motors Limited Tata Motors Limited is a publicly traded corporation within the motor industry, and according to Witzel (2010), the company is a multinational car manufacturer whose headquarters is located in Mumbai, India and it is a subsidiary of the Tata Group Plc. Tata Motors Limited was formed in 1945 and specializes in the production of automotive parts and automobiles that comprise of vans, trucks, buses, coaches, passenger cars, and military vehicles. Perhaps among the most widely known products of Tata Motors Limited include the Tata Nano, Tata Daewoo, Jaguar Land Rover, and Tata Ace. Additionally, the company also offers servi ces that include vehicle service and vehicle leasing (Witzel, 2010). Tata Motors Limited has established an international presence that is supported by the manufacturing and assembling plants that are located across various regions within India, and other countries such as the United Kingdom, Argentina, Thailand, and South Africa. Additionally, the company also has various research and development centers in India as well as in the United Kingdom, Spain, and South Korea (Witzel, 2010). In the ranking of Tata Motors Limited, Witzel (2010) stated that the company is listed in three key stock markets that include the New York Stock Exchange, the National Stock Exchange of India, and the Bombay Stock Exchange. The company was ranked at position 314 in the 2012 Fortune Global 500 list of world’s biggest corporations whose profit in the last financial year was $2.28 billion. Tata Motors’ business-level strategy With reference to the writings by Kim and Mauborgne (2005), they wrote that it is through business-level strategies that organizations are able to meet the needs as well as the expectations of their customers and hence post good returns. According to Hiriyappa (2010), business-level strategies stipulate on actions, which can gave value to customers and enable a business organization to gain competitive advantage through the effective utilization of core competences in service or product markets. Additionally, Hiriyappa (2010) stated that business level strategy mainly focus on a company’s position within the industry in relation to the five market forces and even the competitors. Kim and Mauborgne (2005) stated that there are four key business-level strategies that are commonly used to provide organizations with a competitive edge in the market and they include cost leadership, differentiation, focused differentiation, and an integrated low-cost-differentiation strategy. With reference to the business model of Tata Motors Limited and the writings by Witzel (2010), it is correct to assert

Monday, February 10, 2020

How do you measure political corruption, and what are the difficulties Assignment

How do you measure political corruption, and what are the difficulties involved - Assignment Example Another important form of this type of corruption is extortion. Here the political persons get involves in various criminal offences for acquiring property, money etc from an individual or institution through illegal means. Political corruption depends on the jurisdiction and country. The practice of political funding differs from places to places. In some places considered as legal and in some places are considered as illegal. In many places government officials have indefinite powers. There the distinction between illegal and legal power is difficult. Institutional corruption is also included in political corruption. The problem of corruption in institute which is associated with the economic support from the government officials who have different interest related with the institution. Political corruption has a negative effect on the good governance and democracy of the country. It reduces the accountability in legislature and election. Corruption in politics hampers the represen tation process in policy making. Political corruption also leads in the compromising the rule of laws. This type of corruption often occurs at the higher levels of the state which a strong impact on politics. Political corruption leads to the improper use and resources misallocation. It influences the political system and government institutions. As a result institutional decay is a common phenomenon in this type of corruption. It is a deviation from ethical code of conduct and written legal norms by the ruling political party. The ruler systematically abuses the rules and regulations of the state to fulfil their personal gains. It is also perceived as an ignorance of principles and rational legal values of the state. The legal base of many authoritarian countries is weak. This helps to grow political corruptions and subjects to the downfall of their political system. Moral, ethical and normative standard are the necessary benchmarks to differentiate legitimacy from legality in