Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Big Drive Auto Essay Example for Free

Enormous Drive Auto Essay With the current hard monetary occasions, there is a need to execute the new options that are there for Big Drive. The principle point of all these is to expand deals while simultaneously they decline the costs that will be caused. A few stages needs thought while executing these new other options. Obviously the organization will be engaged with creation of totally new item inferable from the way that the clients presently need electric vehicle. The organization should initially agree to the administration prerequisite of creation of electric vehicle. They should then redesign the manufacturing plants so they can be in a situation to create the new variety of vehicles. Later on when the organization is steady in the market, it can attempt to create vehicles as per customer’s detail. (Arthur, S. Sheffrin, M. , 2003) It is additionally certain that the work or the activity advertise has decreased by 30%. This implies there is not, at this point accessible work and for the organization to endure, it must receive to new work strategies. Luckily, for the organization, the line of creation permits automated sort of work. The organization ought to accordingly alter the arrangement so it can adjust to the utilization of the new innovation. It can utilize machines in places where it recently utilized human work and this will have the option to conceal on the work lack. It is additionally evident that the quantity of vendor as genuinely diminished. This implies the organization must be set up to have a decent connection with the current vendors that are in the market. The organization may likewise choose to search for new coalitions with new vendors particularly the ones who are entering the market, as they are bound to acknowledge such partnerships. (Arthur, S. Sheffrin, M. , 2003) These three choices happen to be not kidding non-valuing boundaries to passage in this market. For the organization to endure, it must be set up to attempt to adjust to the new innovation however much as could reasonably be expected. It would be recommendable for the organization to put aside more assets in order to modernize the plant to deliver the sort of vehicles the client needs and simultaneously have the option to infiltrate the market however much as could be expected utilizing the accessible sellers and the new and up and coming ones. ? References Arthur, S. Sheffrin, M. . (2003). Financial matters: Principles in real life. New Jersey: Upper Saddle River.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Youth Groups As A Discourse Community Essay Example For Students

Youth Groups As A Discourse Community Essay Youth Groups as a talk network The main individuals who go to youth bunches are the ideal children who never really, go to chapel consistently, talk about God and about what is happening in their lives. This was my hypothesis before going to Pinion Hills Community Church in Farmington, New Mexico. Numerous individuals accept this to be a generalization however my estimate is that it is definitely not reality. Pinion Hills is a non-denominational church with a young gathering that happens on Saturdays at five thirty toward the evening and afterward again on Sundays at nine thirty in the first part of the day. I decided to go to the Saturday youth bunch with my flat mate who has gone to the adolescent gathering for barely a year now. Christianity started more than 2000 years back with Jesus Christ and his supporters. We will compose a custom article on Youth Groups As A Discourse Community explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Jesus would go around the village’s lecturing religion and showing individuals the desire of God. Jesus would in the long incredible the wrongdoings of man however after three days he would be revived and offer want to the world. Jesus got known as the Messiah for the Christian religion just as the educator of God. Individuals today keep on recounting to his accounts and love him still right up 'til the present time. There are different ways that individuals meet up to love and recognition God. One way would be the getting together of youth bunches since it permits the young to find out about God in a progressively present day and fun way. Techniques There are a wide range of ways that I approached gathering my data and information on youth gatherings. Interviews†¦

Friday, August 21, 2020

Evaluate the Market Research Method Used by a Selected Organization Research Paper Example

Assess the Market Research Method Used by a Selected Organization Paper Assess the Market Research Method Used by a Selected Organization BY nali143 Dl assess the statistical surveying technique utilized by a chose association Introduction I will assess the statistical surveying strategies IVe utilized in P3 to do my promoting investigation into the café business; I will discuss the quality and shortcomings of the techniques. What's more I will likewise give suggestions for improving the techniques and Justifications for improving them. Measures Strengths Weaknesses Recommendation from improving the technique Justification for improving the strategy Questionnaires The quality of surveys is it can give a knowledge into respondents considerations and sentiments and furthermore cost proficient as it is modest. The shortcoming of survey would be that respondents might be impacted the scientist and hence bargain its legitimacy. Also surveys must be kept short to abstain from confounding the respondent. To improve the strategy for polls in my exploration is utilize a greater example size than 20 as it doesn't give an a lot more extensive knowledge into people groups assessments. The explanation I would need to improve and utilize a greater example size is that 20 example sizes doesn't give a lot of understanding into people groups houghts and conclusions as its excessively little and to improve my outcomes I would require utilize an a lot greater example size possibly 300 at any rate. Office for National measurements (ONS) The quality of utilizing ONS insights is that its a solid source and all around looked into and multiplied checked to ensure its right. We will compose a custom exposition test on Evaluate the Market Research Method Used by a Selected Organization explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Evaluate the Market Research Method Used by a Selected Organization explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Evaluate the Market Research Method Used by a Selected Organization explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The shortcoming of ONS would be that it is tedious as ONS delivers wide range measurements from economy to showcase industry insights. For instance as I was investigating for Maliah Miah into the eatery business, I needed to peruse ONS site and discover the data that particular and applicable to my examination which took I a touch of time. To improve this technique I suggest utilizing the web search tool gave by ONS site to limit the data significant and explicit to your exploration. The explanation this strategy needs improving is that it very well may be truly tedious to peruse the ONS site for a considerable length of time searching for data that is applicable to your examination so it would be snappier utilizing web indexes to limit the data by composing into web search tool bar. For instance if youre searching for measurements identified with the eatery business you would type café industry which would restore a hit and results thrilled to the café business and afterward choose the data pertinent to your examination. Web The quality of utilizing the web for your exploration is that you approach wide scope of data; its likewise quick and time proficient. The shortcoming of utilizing web if the data youre taking a gander at is right and modern. To improve the technique for utilizing web for your examination , I would suggest checking the unwavering quality of the data youre looking and cross check your outcomes to ensure that they are right , what's more likewise check the time and date the data was last refreshed or odified as this gives you a thought of the exactness of the data. The explanation you would need to improve this technique is that if youre completing an exploration , your data should be dependable , modern and precise and if its not your entire research stops to be substantial as it can't be depended on to decide. Keynotes The quality of utilizing keynotes for your examination is that its solid and exact as its delivered by the city of business in Moorgate. Furthermore it records drifts throughout the years and since its assortment of data its simple to break down. The shortcoming of sing keynotes for your exploration are now is the ideal time devouring to discover explicit data that is applicable to your examination and furthermore it might be costly as you need to buy it from the city of business library in Moorgate. My proposal for improving keynotes as a strategy for your examination is take a gander at the record page and the substance page to locate the significant data that particular to your exploration. Utilizing the list you can in order pinpoint the data youre searching for and go to that page to find out about and actualize the data into to your examination. My Justification for improving this technique is that it would simpler and not tedious to pinpoint and discover the data that particular and applicable to your exploration. Nobody needs to filter through loads of data to discover the date theyre searching for as this would not be time productive technique so utilizing the list and substance page to discover the data youre searching for would spare time and make the scientist time proficient Stages of research The quality of the phases of the exploration is that its brief and effectively spread out timetable which shows when every part of the examination would be finished. For instance stage one of the examination which research brief would be finished by fifth walk 2013 followed by stage two which ought to be finished seven days after the fact on twelfth of walk 2013. Stage two :Define the issue The quality of the stage two: characterize the issue is that youre capable decide issue introduced by your customer and plan the ways you to take care of those issues and complete your exploration. Stage three: set targets The quality of setting goals is that it gives you a thought of you need to accomplish by the end your exploration and furthermore fills in as rule of what you have to cover all through your examination Stage four: compose an examination proposition plan of work The quality of composing research plan of work is that you as the analyst can determine the data you have to gather for your examination and the timings for gathering every part of your information. Stage five: assortment of information The quality of stage five is that youre ready to assemble the date you expected to gather for your exploration utilizing the timings and the strategies determined in stage four The quality of stage six is that once the analyst has gathered his information, he can dissect and decipher the outcomes from his examination and furthermore explain the uantitative and subjective information he obtained. Stage eight: Re-assess the statistical surveying The quality of stage 8 is that once the scientist has finished his examination his ready to think back looking back and take a gander at anything that may have been missed or could have been improved as this could give helpful criticism to his next research and execute the things he could have improved and passed up a major opportunity. The shortcoming of utilizing the phases of research course of events is that one of part of the exploration stage may take longer than week which would mean the postponing of different parts of the examination which would not be time productive and cause onfusions. I will list the shortcoming of every part of the examination underneath Stage two :Define the issue The shortcoming of characterizing the issue is that if the specialist doesn't really comprehend what research to do, it will prompt the scientist undertaking unseemly and unessential research that isn't applicable to the customer. Stage three: set targets The shortcoming of setting destinations is that if its not sensible and quantifiable it can't be accomplished. What's more if the specialist doesn't explain what should be secured, it could cause disarrays and thusly cause delays in completing the examination. The shortcoming of stage four is that if the specialist doesn't determine what data to gather , how it will be gathered and when to gather , it can create turmoil and postpone the examination along these lines its principal to build up the timings and the information that necessities to gathered. Stage five: assortment of information The shortcoming of stage five is that if the specialist doesn't explain the targets and the information that should be gathered it would prompt him gathering insignificant data and pointless information. Stage six: Analysis and assessment The shortcoming of stage six is that if the specialist has gathered unimportant and nnecessary information his examination stops to be legitimate hence the customer can't believe the aftereffects of his exploration as its legitimacy has been undermined. Stage eight : reconsider the statistical surveying There isnt any shortcoming in assessing the statistical surveying as you are Just returning to your exploration to check whether youVe missed whatever you expected to cover or some other part of the examination you could have improved. My proposal for improving utilizing the phases of research is have preliminary run before you attempt or complete your exploration as this gets ready as well as gives the esearcher a thought of to what extent every part of the examination would take as far as time. Stage two: Define the issue he totally comprehend the issues before completing his exploration. Stage three: My proposal for improving stage three is that the scientist guarantees that he is utilizing the SMART strategy and explains all the destinations he needs to cover. My proposal for improving stage four is that the analyst sets out a course of events covering all the data that necessities to gathered, when it needs to gathered by and how it will be gathered. Stage five: assortment of information My suggestion for improving stage five is that the analyst explains the goals and which information should be gathered. My proposal for improving stage six is that the scientist av

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

diabetes - 275 Words

diabetes (Essay Sample) Content: Diabetes Author Author affiliation Diabetes Diabetes is a condition that results from the uncontrolled sugar levels in the body. Either this is caused by failure of the body to convert glucose into glycogen for storage or glycogen to glucose for use in the body or both cases. There are two types of diabetes, which are type -1and type-2 diabetes (Maceyka et al., 2012). Therefore, it requires early diagnosis to avert premature deaths from diabetes related complications. Type-1 diabetes is caused by failure to convert glucose to glycogen for storage in the body resulting from failure in insulin enzyme production mechanism Gregg et al., 2014. This causes increase in glucose in blood to a level the body cannot contain. Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, results from failure by the body to produce enough glucagon enzymes to convert stored glycogen to active glucose for body metabolism (Dabelea et al., 2014). This results in deficiency of the necessary glucose in the body. Management Strategies Various strategies employed in management of diabetes. First strategy involves lifestyle interventions. It has been observed that intensive interventions that allows frequent contact with health professionals, such as multiple injection of insulin and self-monitoring of blood glucose, improves self-management (Olokoba et al., 2012). Computer- assisted programs that provide education and facilitate self-management have proven to significant both metabolically and psychologically Finally, Alcohol is known to be harmful to the life of people but it is also beneficial to them especially those suffering from diabetes (Patterson et al., 2014). Excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to human life and causes diseases such as high blood pressure, some types of cancer, liver diseases and violent death. Despite this fact, people suffering from diabetes are recommended to consume alcohol but with moderations as a way of a healthy lifestyle. They should not consume it in excess (American Diabetes Association, 2013). Therefore, diabetes can effectively managed by use of various strategies described above. References Dabelea, D., Mayer-Davis, E. J., Saydah, S., Imperatore, G., Linder, B., Divers, J., ...Liese, A. D. (2014). Prevalence of type 1 and type 2 diabetes among children a...

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Effects of Corruption on E-Commerce - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2407 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Economics Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? EFFECTS OF CORRUPTION ON E-COMMERCE (VERSION 1) CORRUPTION: Corruption has crippled Nigeria to fully maximize her potentials, Nigeria has seen drop in educational standard, healthcare, basic and social amenities. This is because most of the funds budgeted for the greater good of the economy have been misused for individual greed by our leaders and people elected in public offices. Corruption is the dishonest and illegal behaviour exhibited especially by people in authority for the personal gain ( The growing corruption in Nigeria can be traced to people holding power at the federal, state and local government levels. Ruzindana, (1999) emphasises that corruption in Africa is a problem of routine deviation from established standards and norms by public officials and parties with whom they interact. He further more identified bribery, private gain and non-existent workers (also known as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"ghost workersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢) as the di fferent types of corruption facing Africa. Corruption generally in Nigeria is a social problem that has attracted the interest of many scholars. However, corruption and its effect on e-commerce have experienced little attention in the country. E-COMMERCE Until 1998, Nigeria had only few dial-up e-mail providers and a few internet service providers (ISPs) operating on slow links in the country. Present ISPs provide online advertising opportunities, internet banking securities and Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) services. E-commerce growth in Nigeria is slow but steady, the vast improvement in telecommunication services in the country as illustrated by explosion of subscribers and users of Global System for Mobile communications (GSM), it is further underscored by a surge in private telecom operators (PTOs) offering à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Fixed wireless serviceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ which offer data and voice transfer. The introduction of e-commerce service is held back by lack of public awareness on how to use the technologies. However, there has been a rapid growth in electronic cash transfer services such as western union, MoneyGram and Travelex in recent years. Electronic banking is one area of e-commerce that has proven successful in Nigeria. Virtually all banks in Nigeria offer online, real-time banking services. Moreover, banks that cannot offer these services are increasingly losing their customers are offered the flexibility of operating an account in any branch of their bankà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s network. Even though the Nigeria government has taken progressive steps in recent years to aid online buying and selling (E-commerce) surmountable challenges still remain that is killing e-commerce in Nigeria. Most of the points to be discussed if critically explored have a link to corruption, in the sense that corruption has eaten so deep in the country ranging from individuals to government officials. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Yahoo Yahooà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ syndr ome: Many young Nigerians attribute this to lack of employment and tangible jobs to keep them busy, therefore, they involve themselves in the what is known as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"yahoo yahooà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Yahoo Yahooà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ is an online type of fraud where mostly young men look for a way of getting hold of peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s master/credit card details to use in purchasing goods online without the ownerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s consent. The perpetrators of this crime spend long hours at the cyber cafÃÆ' © surfing the net with the aid of a software to crack into peoples accounts. Some even go to the extent of using charm to avoid been caught by the necessary authorities. The most recent one around now is employment fraud. I almost fell for one recently when I saw a job advert online for the Nigerian Navy. After clicking the web link that says à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"click here to applyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ I was taken to another page where I was supposed to pay fo r a voucher/pin to complete the application. However, over the years, the practice of the Military related jobs has always being for job seekers to walk into a bank and pay for the voucher/pin, but for this particular one the instruction was to pay online. I tried it, followed through the whole process, input my card details and pin, fortunately for me the bank I use had network issue so the transaction couldnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t go through, it was later that I found out it was a scam and the Nigerian Navy did not officially advertised the job on its website. We can all imagine how many poor job applicants would have fallen prey of that fraud act. Lack of dependable online payment gateways: while things are getting better as regards e-commerce in Nigeria in the sense that in the last decade a lot of online businesses have been launched (konga, jumia, slot, etc) however, dependable gateways are hard to come by. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Interswitchà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"etransa ctà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ are the two major companies used as online payment platform in Nigeria. However, I think some banks are gradually joining the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"partyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. Lack of trust: People find it difficult to trust each other; also so many people do not trust new technologies. For example, my mother has never used an Automated Teller Machine (ATM), simply because she believes she cannot hold the poor machine responsible for any error/crime committed. Similarly, I was also having a chat with a friend of recent who narrated her uncleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s ordeal. While the uncle was in the UK on vacation from Nigeria, he got an alert on his phone from his bank in Nigeria that a transaction was just made (huge amount of money) on is account, immediately he flew back home went straight to the bank for an explanation on how and why such transaction took place on his account without him authorizing it, lo and behold, the bank could not give any reasonable explanation about the transaction, did not of course refund his money back saying it was due to the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s carelessness. What I am trying to say in essence is that lack of trust in people and machines that facilitate e-commerce is a contributing factor to how corruption affects e-commerce in Nigeria. Reliable Power supply: Lack of reliable power supply in the country has contributed greatly to those factors that have crippled so many businesses and e-commerce activities in Nigeria, this is because the people in charge of the power sector are greedy and due to political reason have just decided to neglect the power sector. You can imagine the president of Nigeria making some allocations to fuel and service the generator servicing the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"presidential villaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ in the last budget. This is just to show how serious the power issue is. We can all try to imagine the state of a countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s e-commerce or businesses in general where power s upply is not stable. The recent presidential pardon granted to Diepreye Alamieyseigha the former governor of the oil-rich state of Bayelsa by President Goodluck Jonathan who was convicted for money laundering and other serious corruption offense in 2007 has questioned the transparency of the President Goodluck Jonathanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s administration. The decision undermines anti-corruption efforts in Nigeria and encourages impunity. This decision also proves to future companies or individuals looking at investing in Nigeria that the country is still not very safe thereby affecting the growth of e-commerce in country. The problem of e-commerce in Nigeriaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s is not just corruption, but failure to put in place mechanism or infrastructure that will make life easy for the citizens to work and live well in the society. Nigeria need good energy distribution, good roads, overhaul postal system, good communication networks and other social amenities, Nigeria would ha ve been a good market place for e-commerce activities in Africa but reverse is the case. *************************************************************************** Effects of Corruption on E-commerce (VERSION 2) Introduction: In almost all developing countries of the world, commerce dominates their economic activities. Even the industrial activities are based mostly on commerce. In Nigeria, the productive/manufacturing sector is still highly dependent on import and export. The manufacturing companies rely heavily on raw materials from abroad while the primary productive sector merely produce raw and semi processed materials meant for the overseas market and consumers. Nigeria produces crude oil in abundance and almost about 90% of it is exported with very little meant for the local refineries. In very sharp contrast, more than 80% of the refined petroleum products consumed in Nigeria are imported. From the foregoing, the importance of commerce cannot be over emphasis ed. Commerce is the most vibrant of all the economic activities in Nigeria. In the world today, Information Technology has made trade transactions very easy. At the comfort of oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s home or/and office, commercial transaction can take place within the twinkle of an eye. The magnitude of commercial activities taking place in Nigeria and rapid development that has taken place in the field of information technology makes it imperative to probe into the possible effects that corruption can have on e-commerce. Whatever the situation, corruption scandals and allegations of dishonesty have great impact on commercial activities in Nigeria, high level of corruption could also impact upon economic performance in Nigeria, e-commerce inclusive. Corruption has serious effects on e-commerce in many ways. The price and marketability of any product or service is determined significantly by the local cost of production. On the other hand, the cost of production is influenced gr eatly by the level and magnitude of corruption in the system. The level and magnitude of corruption affects the cost of all the factors of production which in turn affects the demand and supply of products and services covered by e-commerce. If the cost of raw materials is increased because of the incidence of over invoicing, the eventual cost of production and selling price of the finished product or service will be high. In the final analysis, the high price will affect the volume of trade involving the product or the service. That being the case, if such product or service is under e-commerce, there will be a major impact. Money laundering is a form of corruption and it affects e-commerce in all manner of ways. Monies that are laundered are not monies worked for or genuinely earned. Such monies are spent in a way that the level of liquidity in the economy will increase and artificially the prices of products and services on which the money is spent will increase. In fact, lose money in the segment of the market dealing in those products or services will give a wrong signal of a high demand which in turn will increase prices. Definitely e-commerce will be affected, since money laundering will have effect on the forces of demand and supply. In most developing countries, goods and services produced, marketed and consumed there are approved or certified. The process of certification or approval is often laden with corrupt practices, such that at the end products or services will affect e-commerce. In most cases because the cost of bribing the officials to grant certification is taken as part of the cost of production and also because the quality of the products and services in the long run will be discovered to be poor, there would be low demand for it. This will lead to a lot of distortions in the e-commerce market. There is also a wide spread of misappropriation of public funds in Nigeria, just like some other countries in Africa. This massive misapp ropriation of public funds affects e-commerce. The demand and supply tilt towards the goods and services consumed by those that have been involved in the misappropriation of public funds. The increased demand will act as an incentive for producer to increase the quantity of such goods and services consumed by the few super rich people while those consumed by people who have no access to this misappropriated public fund as neglected. The poor perception and attitudes of the people generally towards corruption and how poorly the government and all relevant agencies and institutions are handling cases of corruption has eroded peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s confidence and this has serious negative impact on e-commerce. E-commerce is still at very low pace in Nigeria majorly due to the effect of corruption. If one party places an order and expect the other party to mail or supply the goods before payment is effected, the supplying party would be weary that he may just supply goods to an in dividual he may not be able to trace eventually. On the other hand, if the order is backed with payment, the person who places the order will not be sure the supplier would supply to specification and to his/her satisfaction. I was having a chat with my dad recently, and he took me way back into the 60à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s when Nigeria did not have a colour lab for printing pictures. All pictures printed then were all in à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"black and whiteà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢, however, if you want it printed in colour one needed to send the film to the United Kingdom (UK), it will printed in colour and sent back to Nigeria after which you now send the payment over to the UK. Over time, the transaction was stopped/cancelled by the UK government which I reckon was due to fraudulent activity of Nigerians not paying after receiving their pictures back. Also the corruption in the country which does not spare the judiciary makes seeking redress in law court a tortuous exercise. In some cases, j ustice is to the highest bidder and when it is not, the road to justice is long and winding. A simple civil case on a contractual agreement may take years and by the time judgement is delivered, the compensation is not restorative enough. The generality of the people that are involved in e-commerce do not see any reason or have any urge to keep accurate record of all transactions. At times, it can be due to ignorance and at times it is deliberate and intentional. Whatever be the case, the overall effect is to evade paying the required tax revenue to the appropriate government. The government that is in position to develop or encourage e-commerce through enactment of favourable policies and law may then not be interested. On the other hand, if people would pay taxes as appropriate, the government can encourage e-commerce which is still in its infancy in Nigeria. REFERENCE Akintola, K.G., Akinyede, R.O. and Agbonifo, C.O (2011), à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"appraising Nigeria redness for E commerce towards achieving vision 2020à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢, IJRRAS, 9(2) Sherah Kurnia and Fei Peng (2010). Electronic Commerce Readiness in Developing Countries: The Case of the Chinese Grocery Industry, E-commerce, Kyeong Kang (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-7619-98-5, InTech, Available from: Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Effects of Corruption on E-Commerce" essay for you Create order

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Prostitution The Modern American Sex Industry - 1913 Words

INTRODUCTION Many are unaware of the mammoth size of the modern American sex industry, which includes prostitution, pornography, stripping, and other forms of commerce commonly euphemized as ‘adult entertainment’. In academic reviews and critiques of the trade, astonishing statistics abound. For example, â€Å"estimates of the amount of money spent per day on prostitution in the United States range upward of $40 million [and] the American pornography industry grosses more per year than the American music and mainstream movie industries combined [...] [and] Americans spend more money per year on strip clubs than on theater, opera, jazz, and classical music concerts combined†. Needless to say, this wide array of sexual goods and services constitutes an influential economic force in the United States. Yet despite its size and prevalence, the sex industry is largely stigmatized and disdained, even by the legions of Americans who patronize it. Rather than attempting to analyze the sex industry as a whole, this paper raises questions about prostitution in America and the moral indignation that it often provokes. The question it seeks to answer is threefold: (1) What principles lead to our social stigmatization of prostitution? (2) Are these principles described in (1) morally defensible? And, (3) If the principles are not defensible, how should policies and attitudes change regarding prostitution? To begin, Section I briefly discusses the stigma attached to prostitution and the harmShow MoreRelatedShould Prostitution Be Legalized?1663 Words   |  7 PagesDecriminalizing prostitution in the United States will be a hazard to the nation. Prostitution has been often called one of the oldest jobs in the world. However, it has been illegal in nearly all societies throughout history. Currently, there have been various countries where prostitution has been legalized by the government, allowing people over eighteen year olds to work as prostitutes legally. Nonetheless, those countries have had several negative effects following the legalization of prostitution. NeverthelessRead MoreHuman Trafficking And Sexual Exploitation1138 Words   |  5 PagesHuman trafficking has been dubbed the modern version of slavery as it is the act of taking an individual by force or coercion for some aspect of labour purposes. The phenomenon of human trafficking for sexual exploitation is not a recent o ne. Human trafficking has historical roots in traditions of worldwide slavery and in debt-bondage in the South East Asian region. In the 20th century, during the periods of the First World War and the Second World War, human trafficking for sexual exploitation grewRead MoreProstitution Is A Profession For Victims Of Coercion, Human Trafficking, Physical, And Mental Health1396 Words   |  6 Pagesthat are saying â€Å"no† to prostitution. There are an unimaginably vast number of issues this profession which don’t just include the rights of male and female sex workers, but also concern the physical and mental health of the clients and service. Prostitution is a profession for victims of coercion, human trafficking, physical contact and drug abuse that needs to be ended. The time is now. Legalizing prostitution and making it a legitimate profession only makes it into an industry that is harder to escapeRead MoreProstitution: Should A Change Be Made? Essay775 Words   |   4 PagesProstitution: Should A Change Be Made? Prostitution is often called the world’s oldest profession. 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In today?s modern society prostitutes are frowned upon by so ciety because they see it as being on the same category as drug addiction andRead MoreThe Globalization Of Human Trafficking990 Words   |  4 PagesBulgaria, Russia, and other second world nations that become an extension of sex trade networks. Therefore, the globalization of human trafficking provides an example of the intermeshed system of human trafficking that relies heavily on the exploitation of women and children throughout the world. These criminal systems of â€Å"trade† define the black market appeal of human trafficking that has become a global issue in the modern world. In essence, an analysis of the globalization of human trafficking definesRead MoreThe Untold Story : Legalization Of Prostitution1308 Words   |  6 PagesThe Untold Story: Legalization of Prostitution The legalization of prostitution is a matter long overdue because it would have a positive impact on the economy, set programs in place to improve quality of life for the victims/workers of the industry, and provide educative resources to bring awareness to the youth about the world’s oldest profession. Not a lot of light is shed on prostitution, let alone the sex industry in a state like Nevada where it is legal in 8 counties nor that up to the lateRead MoreConsequently, By Trying To Enforce Prostitution Laws, Police1469 Words   |  6 PagesConsequently, by trying to enforce prostitution laws, police officers spend an exhausting number of hours trying to gather information. In an unpublished interview, Dr. Williams, an associated professor at North Carolina State University, stated that policing prostitution in the United States is an overreach. Enforcing prostitution laws puts undue strain on law enforcement agencies. Dr. Williams strongly contends, that government resourc es could be better used on education and or rehabilitation ifRead MoreArgument About Legalization Of Prostitution1507 Words   |  7 Pages Tatum Kirk Research essay viewpoint Legalization of Prostitution Prostitution is the act or practice of engaging in sexual intercourse for money ( There are 40 to 42 million prostitutes in the world; 3 quarters of this group range between the ages 13 to 25. With about a 80% being women, and 20% being male. About 1 million of those live in the United States ( Most of the women are forced into this job, because it is so unregulated. Some women chose toRead MoreAnalysis of Child Prostitution over the World1622 Words   |  7 PagesForced child prostitution is all over the world. However, I am talking specifically about human trafficking overseas. This is one of the most known places for Child Prostitution. Children are being snatched and forced to do drugs and sell their bodies to make money for the pimp’s. This is an issue to our country because our children are being kidnapped. We really can’t do much here because they are extremely hard to find. When you’re running a business li ke this you have to make sure you never

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Emil Kraepelin free essay sample

Emil Kraepelin: Sir â€Å"I-Know-Psychos† Emil Kraepelin, in the late 1800’s, was a pioneer in the development of psychiatry. Also known as, in two very interesting minds, as Sir â€Å"I-Know-Psychos†. You know, like Sir Isaac Newton, but with social science. He is the mind-wizard of many things and all of which I shall be talking about in this absolutely incredible biography. By the end of this thing, your mind will be screaming for more of my humour .. and of course our little social science friend, Emil Kraepelin. Now, pull up some comfy chairs, folks, this is going to be one heck of a ride. This fine young man is the discoverer, the Jacques Cartier, to our modern classification system of mental illness. Kraepelin introduced the terms schizophrenia and manic depression. In more scientific terms, they call it dementia praecox and manic-depressive psychosis. The run-down of these two illnesses are: schizophrenia is a mental disorder marked by severely impaired thinking, emotions, and behaviours. We will write a custom essay sample on Emil Kraepelin or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Manic depression is a mood disorder that causes radical emotional changes and mood swings. Emil Kraepelin is also the Jacques Cartier, the Founding Father, of psychopharmacology and psychiatric genetics. The run-down of these cool cats? Psychopharmacology is the study of drug-induced changes in mood, sensation, thinking and behaviour. Psychiatric genetics, a sub-field of behavioural neurogenetics, is the study of the role of genetics in psychological conditions like alcoholism, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and autism. Kraepelin was the son of a civil servant, or a German â€Å"beamter†. He was born on February 15th, 1856 in Neustrelitz, Mecklenburg, Germany. He was first introduced -and obviously to the wrong science .. only kidding- to biology by his brother Karl. Emil began his medical studies at the age of eighteen at the University of Wurzburg. He studied psychology with Wilhelm Wundt and wrote a prize-winning essay called The Influence of Acute Illness in the Causation of Mental Disorders. In 1878, he received his Masters Degree. 1879, at the University of Munich, he went to work with Bernhard von Gudden and completed his thesis of The Place of Psychology in Psychiatry. Since the lovely University of Wurzburg missed him so dearly, he returned to work in a neurology clinic and in his good old friend Wundt’s psychopharmacology laboratory. He was successful and had much fun hangin’ with his fellow Sir â€Å"I-Know-Psychos† friends. In 1883 his Compendium der Psychiatrie, his major work, was published. In 1884, Kraepelin decided to cool it down a little and became a senior physician in Leubus and the following year was appointed director of the Treatment and Nursing Institute in Dresden. By the age of thirty, Kraepelin just wouldn’t stop! Not even slow down! He was named professor at the University of Dorpat. Can you say Sir â€Å"Moves-A-Lot†? And again, four years later, he moved to the University of Heidelberg, finally resting until 1904.